Thanks for checking out my page!!
My name is Ariel, and I’m fundraising for The Special Olympics. With your donations, people like my brother Rocco, and many other differently abled people can participate in fun sports and activities! If you can swing it, please donate a few bucks to the Polar Plunge through my page. It’s super fast and easy, and it’s going to a great cause. Thanks again for your support, and don’t forget to send my page to other friends you think might be interested in donating!
Your friend, Ariel Rizzo
Polar Plunge 2025 Commemorative Beanie Achievement!
I raised $300 to support Special Olympics Ohio through my Polar Plunge!
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Mrs. Bowmen
Jazmine Sargeant
Ariel Rizzo
Andrea Smith
Julie & Ron
Toni Harms
Erin Owen
Sarah Nally
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