Welcome to My Personal Page
My name is Patty and I am an athlete on the Franklin County Flyers and I work at Kroger's in Bexley and I like to take part in volunteering at Comic Cons in Columbus to show how people with Autism and other disabilities can do just as much as other people can. And because of that I become friends with a lot of celebrities cause of it!
Please help me support Special Olympics Ohio Inc by making a donation to the Polar Plunge through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure.
Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!
Too Chicken To Plunge Achievement
I raised $50 to support Special Olympics Ohio through my Polar Plunge!
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Mullins Family
Patty Bryant
Mr. Kenneth Mayes
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